As an expert in auditing and consulting in digital transformation, it is crucial to understand the difference between advanced electronic signatures and qualified electronic signatures. Here are some key considerations:
Legal Regulation: Electronic signatures are regulated by Law 6/2020 and the eIDAS Regulation (EU No. 910/2014), establishing standards and requirements for trusted electronic services.
Qualified Electronic Signature: This type of signature is an advanced electronic signature, created using a qualified device and based on a qualified electronic signature certificate. It is uniquely and non-transferably linked to the signer and the document and requires a certificate that unequivocally validates the signer’s identity, issued by a Certification Authority.
Advanced Electronic Signature: It meets specific requirements such as being uniquely linked to the signer, allowing identification, being created with data under the signer’s exclusive control, and being linked to the signed data so that any change is detectable. It offers a higher level of security by allowing the unique identification of the signer with the electronic document.
In our audits, we consider these aspects to evaluate the validity and security of electronic signatures used by companies in their digital processes. These signatures play a crucial role in authenticating documents and electronic transactions, ensuring integrity and trust in digital environments.