AEAT certified digitization audit

Auditoría de digitalización certificada

Certified digitization audit

As CISA Auditor (Certified Information System Auditor) by ISACA I carry out audits that allow certifying computer solutions for document scanning, invoices, tickets, delivery notes, etc. with different success stories. The elimination of paper as a result of certified digitization is regulated by article 7 of Order EHA / 962/2007 where it specifies the standards, processes and steps that an organization or natural person must carry out for the elimination of paper after certified digitization.

As a differential point I work this type of turnkey project audits where I am generally hired for consulting and prior advice to comply with the regulations, pre-audit, audit and complete documentation (4 documents). In this way my clients only have to focus on adapting their solution to the points of NO conformities that it detects. Currently, in direct line with the Tax Agency I have a checklist that ensures success and certification in a matter of a few weeks (depending on the project).

The collaboration usually has the following phases: Training of the client technical team and detection of nonconformities, advice, pre-audit, audit and documentation.

If you wish, fill out the side form and I will contact you.

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