eIDAS Compliance Audit Service for Private Electronic Invoicing Platforms


eIDAS Compliance Audit Service for Private Electronic Invoicing Platforms

As mandated by current legislation, particularly the Create and Grow law, security and authenticity in electronic transactions are essential for operating as a private invoice exchange platform. Our audit service focuses on the compliance of the advanced eIDAS signature on the “Private Invoice Exchange Platform”, ensuring the integrity, authenticity, and legality of the electronic invoices exchanged between entities. Additionally, clients can choose to configure their solution as an unqualified eIDAS trust service, thus expanding their business opportunities.

The advanced eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services) signature audit is a detailed and crucial process for validating the legality and reliability of advanced electronic signatures in the EU. This process aligns with the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) regulations and is detailed below:

Audit Preparation

  • Objective Definition: Establish clear objectives focused on compliance with eIDAS and ETSI standards.
  • Documentation Review: Review policies, procedures, and technical documentation related to advanced signatures.

Compliance with ETSI Standards

  • Security Requirements Evaluation: Verify the platform’s compliance with security criteria and certificate management, electronic sealing, and remote signature generation.

Process and Technology Evaluation

  • Technological Infrastructure: Examine the hardware and software used for the generation and management of signatures.
  • Key Management: Evaluate the generation, storage, protection, and destruction of signature keys.
  • Authenticity and Integrity: Confirm that the signatures ensure the signer’s authenticity and the document’s integrity.

Operational Procedures Review

  • Verification Processes: Inspect the robustness and reliability of verification procedures.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that the signing and verification processes comply with legal requirements.

Testing and Validation

  • Security Testing: Conduct evaluations to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Conformity Validation: Confirm the signatures’ compliance with eIDAS and ETSI standards.

Audit Report and Action Plan

  • Audit Report: Draft a detailed report including findings, recommendations, and areas for improvement.
  • Action Plan Development: Propose measures to address any identified deficiencies.


  • Implementation of Improvements: Oversee the implementation of audit recommendations.
  • Periodic Audits: Conduct follow-up audits to ensure ongoing compliance.

Conducting this audit is essential for establishing and maintaining a private invoice exchange platform under the Create and Grow law, being a crucial step in ensuring the legality and security of advanced electronic signatures, a vital element for trust and integrity in digital transactions.