Simplified electronic private prescription COVID19

Simplified electronic private prescription COVID19

Just two days ago, a notice explaining the procedural requirements and steps to be taken to obtain the temporary approval of an electronic private medical prescription as a measure to promote telemedicine in Spain, among other reasons, has just been published two days ago.

Simplified medical prescription approval COVID19

The General Councils of Official Colleges of Doctors, Dentists, Podiatrists and Pharmacists, in accordance with the powers attributed by Royal Decree 1718/2010, of December 17, on medical prescription and dispensing orders, have worked together to enable a simplified version of the Private Electronic Prescription System to operate, temporarily as a contingency solution as a consequence of the health emergency situation caused by COVID-19, facilitating access to prescribed treatments. The documents that have been published are:

  • General Advice on the e-prescription system COVID-19.
  • Flow of the procedure of temporary homologation for prescription platforms in the system of Private Electronic Prescription in contingency by COVID-19.
  • Functional and technical specification e-prescription contingency COVID-19.
  • Terms and Conditions for the provision of prescription platform services temporarily approved in the Private Electronic Prescription System during the Situation of Alarm status as a consequence of COVID-19.

The usual process where I work with companies in their audit has changed slightly to be able to offer, while the alert status lasts, a temporary approval that covers the minimum requirements of the complete electronic medical prescription.

Basically the homologation process relaxes the need to audit the classic homologation while the alert state lasts with the following steps:

1º) The person in charge of the entity APPLICANT submits the request for temporary approval of a Prescription Platform through email sent to the account enabled by the General Council of Official Medical Colleges (hereinafter, CGCOM), This shipment will have the character of an Entry Register, providing the necessary basic supporting documentation to start the certification process in digital format.

The documentation will consist of sending the document “TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES OF TEMPORARILY APPROVED PRESCRIPTION PLATFORM IN THE PRIVATE ELECTRONIC PRESCRIPTION SYSTEM DURING THE SITUATION OF A STATE OF ALARM CONSEQUENCE OF COVD-19” (you can download this document in the corporate websites of the General Councils) signed by signing with a digital certificate from the APPLICANT entity.

In the case of legal persons, this documentation includes the statutes of the APPLICANT entity, and the powers, in the event of representation of said entity.

2º) The APPLICANT entity will receive from the CGCOM a document indicating the opening of a contingency file by the General Secretariat Department of the CGCOM, and an identification number of said file. With this information, the head of the APPLICANT entity must contact both the CGCOF, the CGCOE and the CGCOP as well as the CGCOM itself in order to carry out the integration tests with Nodofarma, following the procedure established by the CGCOF for this purpose and with the web services of the CGCOM, CGCOE and CGCOP, following the procedure that each one has established, respectively.

3º) Successful completion of the integration tests with NODOFARMA and with the collegiate authorization services of CGCOM, CGCOE and CGCOP, the person in charge of the entity APPLICANT may begin to operate in the Contingency e-Recipe System COVID-19, understanding that its Prescription Platform is temporarily approved for it.

After the state of alert and for companies that continue with the usual approval, an extension of the temporary approval is carried out for 6 months until the final one is obtained.


This emergency measure supports the current crisis situation by promoting the use of telemedicine, being fully aligned with the working group in which I am in order to promote this type of patient care through the use of information technology.

Luis Vilanova Blanco. Electronic Private Medical Prescription Auditor. CISA Auditor