“Certified Digitalization Software Approval Before the AEAT and Sustainability”

“Certified Digitalization Software Approval Before the AEAT and Sustainability”

Document and invoice digitalization is an essential component in the transition to more efficient and sustainable business processes. In Spain, the approval of certified digitalization software is specifically regulated by Article 7, subsection e) of Order EHA/962/2007, as well as by the ninth subsection of the Resolution of October 24, 2007. These provisions establish a legal framework that allows companies to digitalize their invoices and other commercial documents with full legal validity, provided certain requirements and standardized procedures are met.

The approval process ensures that the software used complies with the technical standards required by the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT). This includes aspects such as the software’s ability to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the digitalized invoices from the time of their creation until the end of their conservation period. To obtain approval, the software must be capable of generating a digital representation that includes all data and the image of the invoices, in addition to ensuring their efficient indexing and retrieval.

The process also involves implementing quality management systems within the organizations that use this software, ensuring that standards are maintained throughout the digitalization chain. This approach helps prevent data alteration or loss, which are critical for tax compliance and business management.

One of the main advantages of certified digitalization is that it allows companies to destroy the original physical documents once they have been digitalized and verified, leading to considerable savings in storage and document management costs. However, this practice goes beyond mere cost reduction, significantly contributing to environmental sustainability. Eliminating the need to physically store large volumes of paper reduces the demand for forest resources, minimizes energy consumption, and decreases waste generation. Furthermore, digitalization facilitates the implementation of paperless office policies, leading to cleaner and more ecological operations.

In this context, certified digitalization not only meets legal and fiscal requirements but also supports corporate sustainability initiatives. It contributes to creating a more efficient work environment and promotes environmental responsibility within the business community.

In our company, we are leading auditors in the approval of certified digitalization software, with a long track record and dozens of success stories. Our experience and knowledge allow us to guide companies through the complex compliance process, ensuring that they not only meet current regulations but also maximize the benefits of digitalization in terms of operational efficiency and environmental sustainability. With our support, companies are not only digitally transforming but also moving towards a greener and more sustainable future.